Jul 05, 2023 - 09:30
Jul 07, 2023 - 17:00
LA 002, LCH, IIT Bombay
Vivek Natarajan, Navin Khaneja, Arpita Sinha, Sukumar Srikant
Workshop: SysCon Summer School 2023
The SysCon Summer School was an outreach event for increasing the visibility of the IDP in Systems and Control Engineering (SysCon) at IIT Bombay among prospective graduate students and industry professionals. It consisted of a set of lectures on four topics in dynamical systems and control theory delivered by SysCon faculty members. The topics were selected to reflect some of the ongoing research activities in SysCon which could be of potential interest to both academicians and industry professionals. The lectures were kept accessible to senior undergraduate students, graduate students and others with equivalent qualifications. Numerical demonstrations and lab visits were also organized.