A4: Construction of world class Student Activity Centre
Funding: Rs. 22 Cr. (Capital) + Rs. 13 Cr. (Non-Capital)
As a part of IoE Scheme, Institute is coming up with a world class level Student Activity Centre at approximate cost of Rs. 22 Cr. under capital head and Rs. 13 Cr. for various labs and facilities. This facility will house various students associated offices in a single location besides providing latest facilities for different extra curricular activities. The design for the SAC building has been finalized.

A5: Construction of Academic Science Block
Funding: Rs. 200 Cr.
MoE’s consent has been obtained to construct Academic Science Block as a part of IoE Scheme. The construction work of the Science Block has commenced and the Phase I is currently in progress. The approximate budget for the project is Rs. 200 Cr.