Laboratory for Data and Information Science - Funding Rs. 46 Cr. (Capital) + Rs. 4 Cr. (Non-Capital)

IIT Bombay has a large and active community of researchers who heavily rely on high-performance computing for their research activities. Research groups span almost all departments and address a diverse range of subjects from basic research as well as practical applications. A world-class supercomputing facility would certainly enhance our capabilities in modeling and simulation which pervades all domains of contemporary science and technology research efforts and is closely allied with Data and Information Science. The following sub-areas are proposed to be supported in the project. a) Database System, b) Data mining and Machine learning, c) Information retrieval, d) Visual computing and e) Urban data science.

Research Impact

            This WCRL is contributing significantly to creation of human resource in AI and Data Science. Societal impact is made through bringing benefits of AI and DS to education (e.g., speech to speech translation of lectures, student understandability through cognitive clues), health (e.g., adverse drug reaction prediction, increasing diagnosis efficiency of radiologists), social media (e.g. monitoring of fake news, offensive content, cyber security etc.). The stake holders are ministries, industries, professionals and people at large, as AI now permeates life. Numerically speaking about 70 faculty members and 250 students of the institute will benefit from WRCL-DIS immediately. As activities expand the number will rise to about 100 faculty members and 400 students in 3 years- not to speak of the indirect mentorship of thousands of teachers, students and professionals outside IIT Bombay. Impact will be felt both horizontally (AI areas- vision, speech, robotics, language processing etc.) and vertically (sectors- education, health etc.), tapping the rapidly growing AI industry, projected to be about 126 billion dollars by 2025.


Details of Convenor/Co-Convenor:

  • Convenor: Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharyya, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
  • Co-Convenor: Prof. Sunoj Raghavan, Department of Chemistry